Our work is based upon the following Spiritual Psychology Principles:
- The nature of the Universe and our natural human state is Love
- All of life is for Learning and Loving
- An ‘unresolved issue’ is anything that disturbs our peace
- Unresolved issues are not bad, rather opportunities for spiritual growth
- Though others may behave inappropriately toward us, we have the power to choose our response and to heal any disturbance within ourselves
- While we are not responsible for the actions of others, we are completely responsible for our own experiences in life
- Physical world reality exists for Spiritual growth
- Spirit meets you at your point of action
- Our beliefs determine our experiences
- The more we cultivate a healthy inner world, the greater our capacity to manifest an outer world that reflects our own inner reality
- The issue isn’t the issue: the real issue is how you are with yourself as you go through the issue
- Healing is the application of Loving to the places inside that hurt
- Every time an individual resolves a single issue, all of humanity moves forward in its evolution
- Spiritual growth is a process, not an event
- Direct Experience is how belief is turned into Knowing
- Judgment is self-condemnation – Self-forgiveness is freedom
- Human experiences on earth is our school – the primary goal is to accept and master the lessons from this school
- A life filled with Acceptance is a life free of unnecessary emotional suffering
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List adapted from the University of Santa Monica