Sea turtles are endangered in large part due to humans. The greatest dangers are from fishing and poaching sea turtle eggs from their nests. The secondary danger comes from climate change (which of course is also caused by humans). As temperatures of the beaches rise in the areas where these sea turtles lay their eggs, only females are born. 

Then, because of the rising waters, many beaches where the sea turtles would go to lay their eggs are no longer above water. 

You can see this is an important and difficult challenge. We could really use your help!

Volunteers have a number of different responsibilities, but will almost always be involved in patrolling beaches to find nesting turtles, relocating their eggs to a safe location, and recording turtle statistics to help understand their global movements. Those who choose to work at our Osa In-Water Sea Turtle Project will work with the sea turtles hands-on in the boat, in the clinic, and the research facility. 

All three of our sea turtle options provide very different experiences. It would be best to read all the descriptions carefully to decide which experience would be best for you. Please reach out to us if you would like some help!