by Robert Lamagno

Hola! I am doing wonderfully. It has been such an amazing  experience. I spent two weeks up in the Watsi indigenous reservation in the Talamanca region. My host family is amazing and the land is beyond perfect and beautiful. Rivers, streams, creaks, WATERFALLS and swimming holes…SOO of course I am loving it, being around my serenity source. My family is sooo sweet and SOOO poor. They live in a wood box basically. I bathed in the river and went to the bathroom in the woods!! (There is a toilet accross the street and up a little hill but without water it can not be used) AND I WANT TO GO BACK if you can believe that!

They eat in shifts to share the plates etc. and most sit on the floor.Dscf0016
BUT they are VERY clean. The kids are beautiful and sweet and eager to learn.We all are in love! I had bought all sorts of supplies and art projects in San Jose before getting up to Uatsi. LUCKILY, because I had about 20-25 children from 8-11 and then 10-25 adults depending on their schedules in the evening.

I live with the Chief of the tribe, Don Timiteo. He respects me very much and really appreciates our help. He took me, along with Hunter (the other volunteer), Laura and Scott whom I am working with on the develpement of the organization up DEEP INTO THE JUNGLE! It was right out of National Geographic, complete with boob shot! I thought my host family lived a simple life. But after a car ride to a boat ride to a safari truck ride (long, hot and bumpy, but I loved it…the scenery was amazing) to a hike.

We arrived to the brother of Don Timiteo. They had family gathered in a large tree house with no furniture except benches lining the house. They cook on wood and have no running water. The extended family had NEVER seen a white person!  I found it VERY hard to believe we were the first, but they are very private and live in a very REMOTE and protected area. The only reason we were able to go is that we were with the Chief and he needs to find ways to help them. He is so very pleased to have us around to show that the outside world does care.

The scenery was breathtaking. We want to help them and also help them keep the land JUST as it is! They want to preserve their traditions, but also need ways to make income. I am driven to help PEACEFUL people STAY peaceful. Costa Rica has NO military. So the goal is to empower these people with education to keep their land and country as it is — while making money to support themselves in a better lifestyle. I am teaching them how to give informative yet fun tours in ENGLISH to the waterfalls and river and to see the medicinal plants, wildlife, flora etc. They have done some in the past but nothing structured and had no way to get tourists to them.

Currently I am staying with Laura. She is amazing and so sweet. She is a local Costa Rican and Dscf0121_1
teaching me about the traditions, history and culture. She lives in Puerto Viejo at the beach. It is just about a half hour from my host family. She has been trying to get me to go out for four nights but I have preferred to be in bed by 10 to be rested for the next day of work and tours. We have visited other volunteer programs and groups wanting our help. I have been giving marketing advice and explaining  the importance of being college accredited to get qualified volunteer help.

I go back to Uatsi on Wednesday as we have meetings Monday and Tuesday. I teach until next Wednesday and then go to Scott’s just outside of San Jose to work with him for a few days. THEN we get to have some fun traveling around and doing some zip-linning, white water rafting and RELAXING. I start school in Manuel Antonio on Feb. 12th for one intensive month on Teaching English as a foriegn Language. I will then go back to work with my family and students in Watsi, but need to leave the country as you are only allowed to stay in the country for three months. Scott wants to go to Panama,  so we will see. Most likely I will go to California for a few weeks and then return to Uatsi from there.

We had an amazing day today. FINALLY went to the beach! I can’t believe I have been here so long and today was the first but it has been non-stop. Today we relaxed and the beach down from the town is SOO beautiful. The jungle grows right up to the beach and hangs off the cliffs.The water is warm, not too warm, and clear. Well enough for now.

Much love to you all
