[tab_item title=”Overview”]
Is it time to make a serious change?
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All our Jungle Healing Retreats were created to purposely disconnect you from your hyperconnected life, and to pull you out of your comfort zone, to facilitate a positive personal transformation. All done within the confines of a safe and supportive environment. One might look at it as having your life turned “upside down,” but in an amazingly positive way!
Jungle Healing Retreats are unique in that they combine the magical and healing qualities of Costa Rica, with the transformational power of Spiritual Psychology. Add to that mix your own personal willingness and commitment to “show up” and do the work necessary, and you have a recipe for great success.
This process and experience is different for everyone. However, no matter which type of retreat you choose, the core program is still the same. You will work daily, one-on-one with Scott or another coach, to get specific help with your particular issues and goals. You’ll also have the opportunity to take part in peer-to-peer discussions, where you’ll benefit from the support of others going through a similar process. After your time with us, you’ll come away with a much better understanding of yourself, feeling more balanced and grounded, and with a solid plan to help you move forward.
What a great place to do some healing and to come to a better understanding of your place in the world! Costa Rica is known for it’s beautiful landscape, amazing wildlife, and bustling biodiversity. Let us spoil you, while you spoil yourself, by taking the time you really deserve to uncover and support your heart’s desire.Your trip will be fully customized, and will be tailored to suit the time you have available, as well as your budget. Call or email today to schedule your free consultation!
[tab_item title=”How to qualify”]
Please email us to set up an appointment to see if you qualify. You’ll be given a free, 1-hour consultation and together we will decide if this is a good fit for you.