What is going on in the world? Why do we have so much hatred? At times, I really feel like I’m missing something.
Can you explain to me please why it is that all these people have to resort to violence? That goes for people upset because a cartoon is published, as well as George Bush and the Evil Empire.
I’ve been trying to find actual pictures of these published cartoons for a while. But they’ve been hard to track down. I finally got them from the Brussels Journal here.
I’m not one for making fun of anyone’s beliefs – or religion. But I know if someone offended me by publishing a cartoon I didn’t agree with or like, I wouldn’t burn down a building or kill someone.
WHO CARES! So you think it’s offensive? Don’t look at it.
For instance, I received a homophobic e-mail today from the AFA (American Family Association) trying to warn people about an upcoming Senate vote on the Marriage Protection Amendment. I don’t like their hatred one bit, but all I did was to delete the e-mail. It really never occurred to me I could go and burn their building down.
I think if people worried more about what they were doing themselves instead of always worrying about who they imagine is offending them, we’d be experiencing a lot more love and peace.