Here are some interesting facts about the changes that have taken place in the last 20 years in Costa Rica:
- Population increased from 2,746,223 to 4,325,808
- The % of poor decreased from 27.4 to 21.2
- The % of extreme poor decreased from 9 to 5.6
- The % rate of births per 1,000 persons decreased from 30.3 to 16.5
- The % rate of infant deaths per 1,000 decreased from 17.8 to 9.8
- The % rate of employment increased form 6.20 to 6.60
- The % rate of inflation decreased from 27.3 to 11.63
- The per capital income increased from $1,897.80 to $4,580.10
The % of public debt with respect to GNP decreased from 82 to
57.5 -
The % rate for home loans from government banks decreased from 38.6
to 20.09 - Quantity of automobiles increased from 318,642 to 795,000
Source: La Nacion, 9 May 06