When you are a young European, about to leave your country to spend a couple of months in Central America, you feel anxious, overwhelmed and uncomfortable. After spending 3 months here, the feeling which predominates is sadness. Indeed, Costa Rica is a pleasant country where you can easily think about not going back home!CIMG3294

There are too many attractive aspects to Costa Rican lifestyle to ignore them, even if you are deeply attached to your native country. To take the bus from a point A to a point B is just like sightseeing. Every landscape you see is just amazing. Every person you meet is a new testimonial of happiness.

During my time here, I had the chance to travel around Costa Rica thanks to Tropical Adventures and because of a craving in discovering a new culture and country. Before coming here, I knew that this trip would be different from what I have experienced so far. I could not imagine how far I was from the truth. I learned here how to respect the environment, to not size up anyone because of his appearance and to adapt myself to a lifestyle. I met people that I will never forget, even if I’ve just spent a couple of days with them.  There is a wisdom and kindness about the world you had not noticed before. They helped me to feel more concerned about basic issues regarding the natural and human aspects.

CIMG2187 To see someone saying “thank you” to the bus driver once he gets off the bus seems weird to our occidental habits, but it does make sense actually. There is a special behavior here which is to consider the other person. We lost that mentality when we decided that a successful life meant to be professionally successful. It is not the case here where family values are deeply established in their way of life. I felt very comfortable with all “ticos” that I have met.

Every time I went to visit a place in Costa Rica, I left it with a tear. There are so many things to see, and so little time…I’m not out of the country yet and I am already thinking about when I’m going back here!

I want to thank Tropical Adventures Foundation for the opportunity they offered me and their help in my adaptation. My experience here wouldn’t have been the same without them.CIMG3270

Thank you and see you very soon!

