The headquarter of Tropical Adventures Foundation has recently been relocated to Hojancha. This town is now the home for all the interns, and the rest of the Tropical Adventures crew.

Hojancha is also the town where Casa Milagro has its community project, Vecinos del Mundo. That’s why I wanted to write a little insight, about our what our lives here in Hojancha look like.

For starters: Hojancha is the name of the 11th Canton in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The capital city is also called Hojancha, and has a population of approximately 4,300 people. Yes, you read it right.. that’s some crazy small figure compared to the big cities most of us come from!

Even though the canton itself covers a wide area, there is not really very much to find in the capital city. For the most of us, living here is a huge difference from our homes, and for some that can be quite a shock. But most – and most likely all – of the people who have been here have fallen in love with the place.

First, you have to get used to the fact that there’s not really that much choice and variety. Lots of small grocery stores, a few shops a couple of sodas (lunch restaurants) and a handful of bars. No shopping malls, no big department stores, no cinemas and no fancy nightclubs.

The biggest excitement you are going to get is a few bars, and once in a while some cultural festivities. But if you’re looking for a party you can just drive a short 40 minutes to get to the nearest party central, Sámara. So it’s really not as bad as it sounds!

In Hojancha, you will make friends very quickly. There are many youngsters who you can hang out with and honestly, even the “older” people are very fun to be around.

Almost everyone I’ve met here has been very friendly. After a small chat, they will quickly offer to help with anything you might need or any questions you might have during your stay in Hojancha.

If you are going to stay with a host family, you will really become a part of the family. Many people who have been here have come back to visit their host family and to enjoy another relaxing vacation in Costa Rica.

Besides all the lovely people, Hojancha is the best place to relax and unwind and to leave behind all the stress. Or as the locals say “It’s the perfect place to retire.”

The weather here is great, much sunnier and less rainy compared to San Jose. Many people also embrace the benefit that they can practice their Spanish better than ever here, since there are very few to no foreigners. So you have no other choice but to speak Spanish to everyone.


How do our lives as interns look like here in Hojancha? Well for me, It’s usually a 5-day workweek. So I’ll be working from Monday to Friday from 8 to 5 o’clock.

In the afternoons we might get together at the house,  go for an ice-cream or just hang out in the park. Every once on a while we might also go to one of the bars.

In the weekends, it’s mostly the opportunity to take trips and explore Costa Rica. If we don’t feel like going too far we can always go to Samara or Carrillo, which are the nearest beaches – just 30 kilometers away.

Or if we stay in Hojancha for the weekend, we can always go to one of the bars! There’s also a swimming pool, several amazing lookout points and a river for if you want to cool down and release all the week’s stress.

There are also a couple of places in the canton, that – according to what I’ve heard – are very beautiful. Some of them are, Monte Romo, Monte Alto and Huacas.

Some of the nice places you could visit in the Guanacaste area are like I said Sámara and Carrillo. Playa Tamarindo, Ostional, Parque Nacional Barra Honda, Refugio Camaronal, Nosara.. They are all located in the Guanacaste area so there are lots of interesting places to visit!

All in all I can tell you that living in Hojancha is different from anything else you’ll experience in your life. And it is definitely going to be worth it. You will have an unforgettable experience!


By Tiffany Dunker, Marketing Intern